
We Regenerate Donations

Your donation will be tax deductible as we finalize our relationship with our 501C3 fiscal sponsor.

Currently, funds will go into a special Grow Permaculture account. You will receive a receipt, and will be sent a donation acknowledgement with a 501C3 designation for tax purposes by Jan 31. It’s important to us to make this a non-profit, community based endeavor so that it will continue to serve communities and users instead of stockholders or investors.

Our goal is to make it easier for people to transition to more regenerative, healthy and ecological ways of living.

We Regenerate will provide a portal for people to connect to local regenerative businesses, non-profits, each other, and other regenerative resources in their local community and beyond. We have designed the portal to be maximally responsive to the needs of each community and to provide ways for people to connect and build stronger, more resilient communities. We want to eliminate the need for everybody who is trying to live more green to do the same research over and over by putting it all in one place.

We are not reinventing the wheel - our service is unique and no one else is providing such a focused, practical, and comprehensive service. We believe it’s an essential component of transitioning sooner rather than later.

Your donations will be used to complete the technical work necessary to launch a beta version where you will be able to provide input into making this the most effective and useful service possible. We’re aiming for a launch in January of 2024 of our first public version. Donors will receive first access and will provide us with early feedback.
